Aviation-Related Insert Sets

Aviation Insert sets make ideal theme-setters and provides Production value. We have taken airline parts and adapted them for simple and easy use.  These are the little sets that make all the difference.

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14-11 with AMU logo
14-21 Curb side set - Side

Airport Sets

Insert sets that represent different areas of the Airport.


Cabin / Fuselage sets

Aircraft cabin wall sections. Fuselage sections or multiple window wall panels assembled for ease of use and handling.

14-16 Door closed with AI jumpseats

Doors & Frames

Doors and door frames

Kit - Galley

Galley Units

Galley units

14-44 Lavatory, wild - Center (NS), sink and vanity c

Lavatory Cubicles

Lavatory units

Kit Service WB area - HOL

Service Areas

Service Areas: Grouping of Doors, Galleys and Lavatories.