Kit Cabin Set

Project: Better Call Saul

Series Finale Plane Set

In December 2021, we had the honor of packing up our Kit Plane Set and shipping it to Albuquerque, NM for an incredible show – Better Call Saul.

When the series was shooting it's final episode, they came to us to supply the set. We packed up our KIT Airplane set and shipped it form LA to New Mexico. The airplane was set up at Albuquerque Studios in about two days to set up and was filmed the following two days before wrapping out.

Our Airline Cabin Sets can be packed up and shipped all over the world. Specifically our KIT Airplane set has the ability for more shipping out and taking up less room. This set does not come with a floor or carpet and can be condensed for shipping.

The KIT Airplane set has been transformed and made to look however a production desired, there are many option that can work for you. If you're in the LA area, schedule a tour to come out and see what we have to offer.

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